Change is coming! Matt Roloff has officially sold his Portland, OR, home for $515,000, and he's ready to retire. Originally, Matt was fixing up the home to get away from the rest of the Roloffs on the farm. It was also going to serve as his and his girlfriend, Caryn Chandler's, first real house together. But, it looks like that's not going to happen.

"About a month or so ago, I promised you all a complete tour of the house I fixed up," Matt wrote on Instagram. "At the time, I wasn't sure if I was going to move into it or sell it. I actually did a bunch of the work thinking it would be my home one day — then plans changed. Someone offered me a deal I couldn't refuse, so within an hour or so, I sold it."

At this point, there's no telling what's next for Matt or the farm, but in a recent episode of Little People, Big World, it sounds like he is ready to move on. And if it's up to Matt alone, the farm is definitely going to be the next thing he sells.

"Let's just say it hits the fan at the farm, and I just can't deal with it anymore. I can't deal with Amy's [Roloff] attitude. If it gets any worse, I just feel like this is just an escape," Matt said about the house in a previous episode of LPBW. "It's possible that I could move in here. There's part of me that wants to keep the farm and build a house that suits me, but part of me just wants to sell the farm and liquidate it, and move on. It's a burden."

The 56-year-old recently revealed that he's looking to buy a home in Arizona. Could this be the end of an era for the Roloff family farm? Only time will tell!