Hear those sirens going off? That’s the sound of The Mommy Police: Special Food and Drink Unit going after Jessa Duggar. On July 4, the former reality star took to Instagram to share an adorable video of her youngest son, Henry Wilberforce Seewald, making funny faces while drinking a beverage from his sippy cup.

While it's unclear what exactly is in Henry's cup, fans are going absolutely apesh–t after the mother-of-two suggested her son was drinking La Croix."Pretty much the exact same reaction I had to La Croix the first time I tried it," Jessa captioned the post. "OK, I’ll try it, but just give me a tiny bit! Wow…definitely not Fanta. Not too bad though. Let me have another sip," she continued.

Now, for those of you who aren’t aware, Fanta is a brand of soda that comes in all sorts of highly delicious, highly sugary flavors. Is it the best thing to give to a one-year-old? Probably not, but that's currently being debated in her comments section. Additionally, nowhere in the video is Henry actually drinking Fanta.

In fact, when one fan said, "Please tell me you don’t give him Fanta," Jessa clapped back first with some sarcasm, "No, he prefers coffee and energy drinks," followed by, "And of course I’m joking. He only drinks breast milk and water." Even still, the comment section was a flurry of angry parents suggesting that Jessa was basically poisoning her son.

"His reactions are the best!! But I hope that’s just seltzer," wrote one fan. "Fanta! Is that a joke?" commented another. We’re not sure why people are so keen on telling the Duggar family how to parent their children, but it happens All. The. Time. Just the other day, Jinger Duggar faced some serious backlash over seemingly dying her hair while pregnant. Man, these women can’t catch a break!

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