Just over two weeks after Alaskan Bush People star Bear Brown popped the question, his fiancée, Raiven Adams, is calling off the engagement. The Discovery Channel star in the making shared the news on her private Instagram account. In an emotional post shared Monday, September 9, she revealed that the online harassment she’d faced at the hands of fans was just too much. That combined with other issues the couple had been facing led them to decide to end their romance.

“It’s been a long battle for me to decide what I should do. What I should say,” Raiven, 21, shared on the social media site. “I think this life is too much for me. The drama, the articles, the harassment. The mean people who have nothing better to do. And due to that, and several other reasons, me and Bear have decided to stay friends. Sometimes two people are meant to be in each other’s [lives] … but not in the way they thought. Wishing the wolf pack all of the best luck on every adventure.”

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This isn’t the first time the star has admitted to struggling with life in the public eye. In early August, she came out as “pansexual and proud” on Instagram, but only after fans of the show uncovered her past relationship with a woman. Calling it the “moment [she’d] been dreading,” she decided to address the rumors and ask fans not to judge her for her sexuality. “[I’m] loving myself, loving my views, and accepting I’ll never be perfect. I’ll always have flaws, but loving someone isn’t one of them,” she said.

In September, she opened up about the “nasty comments” that come with being on — or just adjacent to — the show. “I’m so very tired of reading [them],” she wrote on Instagram while defending her then-fiancé. “Bear is one of those most loving, funny people I have ever met in my life. You see 10% of his personality the show has provided. … You make fun of him, and a lot of us, for punctuation. And anything else you can bring to light. … I am not posting this in hopes it stops, or because I think it will make people change. I’m posting it because I will stick up for him until my last breath.”