They’re getting help! Jenelle Evans knows her relationship with David Eason isn’t perfect, and she’s looking forward to going to counseling with her husband. While chatting exclusively with In Touch, the former Teen Mom 2 star revealed they plan to seek professional help following their romantic reunion.

“We want to look into it,” Jenelle, 28, promises. Unfortunately, the current coronavirus outbreak and social distancing mean they haven’t had the opportunity to set up an appointment just yet. However, the pair did put some rules in place in order to prevent any future explosive fights.

“[We’re] discussing issues before they blow up,” the MTV alum says. “[We are] setting boundaries like no cussing [and] name-calling.” The couple also does their best to “lower [their] tone of voices” when speaking to each other — and, more importantly, they’re “listening to the other person when they ask for help.”

For now, it’s helped prevent any drama. The parents are even squashing their beef with Jenelle’s ex Nathan Griffith. Though Kaiser’s dad was “mad at first” when he heard she and David, 31, were back together, they’ve all managed to get on the same page. “He doesn’t seem to care much now,” the mom of three previously told In Touch. “Nathan calls Kaiser to FaceTime with him during the week, and that’s about it.”

Surprisingly, mom Barbara Evans actually appears to be on board with the couple. Though she and her son-in-law have butted heads in the past, having MTV out of the picture seems to have soothed some of their tension. The North Carolina native reveals her mom and husband “currently have no issues with each other” — and things between her and Babs are pretty good, too.

“[We] get along great at the moment,” she spilled. “I feel like we get along better than ever because we aren’t worried about what’s ‘right or wrong’ when it comes to living our lives and what’s going to be aired about us on TV. … My mom was always worried about pleasing the producers,” she continued. “That would start arguments between us.”

Now, the grandma is helping stock the couple’s fridge, and she’s giving her daughter her full support. She’s even been letting Jenelle’s oldest son spend a lot of his time at his mom’s. “Since Jace has been out of school, he has been mainly at my house,” the brunette beauty said. “I think with her getting older, she is realizing she likes the time to herself.”

Reporting by Diana Cooper