There’s already a passel of Duggar family grandkids you probably can’t keep up with (they don’t have J names), but we need to talk about Samuel Dillard. As the infant son of Derick and Jill Dillard, Samuel is one of the latest members to the Duggar brood, but maybe already our favorite. Because like a tiny, adorable Jim Halpert shooting funny faces at the cameras in the Dunder Mifflin office, Samuel Dillard already seems very wise to the fact that his family is legit insane. And a quick look at Jill’s Instagram confirms that he is good, and also frighteningly aware about how strange his fundie family is. Let’s look at the proof together, shall we?

Samuel makes his debut into the world already so over this family, and we know that feel.
Before long, Samuel starts opening his eyes to his harsh life as a Dillard-Duggar.

Over Derick’s shoulder he can see self-serving fundraisers on a Mac Book screen. Samuel closes his eyes. He tries to ignore the reality of his situation. The Dillards then subject their baby to light mockery and probably sun overexposure by making him wear a tortilla hat.

samuel dillard tortilla

What even.

Shortly thereafter Samuel starts shouting into the universe that he needs to break free from these people. He’s clearly sketched out by a future of side-hugs and pickles. He showcases a frightened little stare on his mother’s Instagram. “Help me,” he screams with his eyes, held in Israel’s clutches. There is no saving Israel. He’s too far gone.

samuel dillard cry for help

From that point forward we keep seeing this sort of shell-shocked expression on Sam’s little face. He knows what’s in store for him. He’s hearing Bible verses as bedtime stories every night and wakes up to video cameras in his face every morning. This is not the future he dreams of. When we look at Samuel Dillard, we see the eyes of a closeted progressive living a life of quiet desperation, partially because he’s five-months-old and not able to talk yet. But the evidence is all there in his face. Samuel Dillard believes women and men are equal. Samuel Dillard probably doesn’t mind that Jinger wears pants. That baby is woke AF.

israel and samuel

Then there’s this, which is concerning. Once again, Samuel is being held by his older brother and shooting out a very baffled look into the void. Then we witness Israel tightening his grip on little Sam,with Jill’s caption asserting Samuel’s being #smotheredwithkisses. Well, he’s being smothered with something. Like is this an adorable sibling moment? Or is this an assassination attempt on Samuel, to keep him from escaping the Dillards’ clutches? Incidentally, there’s like 200 shots in our baby album of us trying to kill our little brother so we’re just saying that like recognizes like (P.S. said brother was FINE, he lived and all that).

To date, this is one of the most recent shots. Israel apparently took it, and yes, we understand that a toddler might not know the ins and outs of composition or what filter to use (it’s Claredon, Israel). But this is a bizarre picture to post. Notice that Samuel, fresh from his nap, is reaching out for help, as if someone was about to take him out. He knows too much. He knows the truth. WE HAVE TO GO SAVE HIM.

…or maybe Samuel is just a literal wide-eyed infant that photographs weird, idk.

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