We can’t tell if this was a mistake or a brilliant plan to get people to join Jeremy Vuolo’s church! Jinger Duggar announced her first pregnancy on Jan. 3, but shared very little information, like how far along she is. However, an eagle-eyed fan realized that Jeremy’s pastor bio page on Grace Community Church’s website has been updated to include when their little bundle of joy is coming!

“They are expecting their first child in July of 2018,” said the bio. That means Jinger is already about four months along in her pregnancy! So far she hasn’t shown off her baby bump, but at this point her baby should be the size of an avocado, according to Parents.com, and the gender would be identifiable if Jinger and Jeremy chose to learn whether they’re having a boy or girl. Something tells us they’ll probably wait.

However, another part of the bio included a mistake that’s kind of hilarious given the family’s very religious nature. “Jeremy and his wife Jinger were married in November 2017 and now reside together in Laredo, Texas, on the border of the United States and Mexico, as Jeremy continues to serve as the pastor of Grace Community Church,” it says. Of course, JinJer got married in November 2016, not 2017. If they had gotten married in 2017, then they would have gotten pregnant before they tied the knot — a big no-no in the Duggar fam!

While Jill Duggar and Jessa Duggar share basically every second of their pregnancies on social media, Jinger hasn’t really shared anything since her original announcement. “Now, the journey has taken an exciting turn: we are expecting our first child!” she wrote. “We are praising God for this beautiful gift and ask that you join us in praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.” Of course, Jinger has always done things her own way, so we don’t expect her to do things the same as her sisters. We just hope we get to see a bump soon, because she should definitely be showing by now!

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