Jill Duggar’s Instagram Makes Me Cringe and It’s Not Even Because of Derick Dillard
Ever since she left Counting On (aka got fired, or if you believe Derick Dillard‘s tweets, “stopped volunteering”), Jill Duggar‘s been trying to build up her brand on her own. She’s been working on her Instagram, her blog, sharing recipes, cute family videos, all that kind of stuff — but there’s been one major problem that I’ve noticed. When it comes to trying to actually promote her content, well, she’s just not sure exactly what to do. And I don’t blame her! Girl wasn’t raised with the Internet. The Duggars weren’t allowed to do much more web browsing than a quick Google search when their home school teacher, aka mom Michelle Duggar or big sister Jana Duggar, didn’t know the answers for the homework. But you’d think anyone would know better than to post something like this.
Yeah. Honestly, the straits are getting dire. Some of Jill’s recent Instagrams aren’t just bad, they’re straight up cringe-worthy — and I don’t even mean the ones where she insists that Derick is the #besthubbyever for doing one (1) household chore. No, I’m talking about the ones where she tries to redirect fans from her Instagram to her blog. The ones where, instead of posting a cute image of whatever she’s blogging about, she posts a picture of the blog itself. And not just a screenshot of the blog on her phone, which she’s done, but a legit picture of her blog up on a laptop. It’s bad.
Here’s the thing: She’s done it a bunch of times now. Like, a whole bunch. But she’s also still been posting regular phone screenshots. So what’s the deal? What’s going on? Why is this happening to my Instagram feed and how can I make it stop? Do I have to personally fly to Arkansas and have a sit down with Jill and become her Social Media Manager? Her Marketing Strategist? Go full Graphic Designer on her? Honestly, Jill, if you need help, I’m here for you! I can throw a little consulting your way, and also check in just to see how you’re feeling about your marriage and are you OK and do you need other kinds of help.
All that aside, I simply can’t figure out what is going on here other than maybe Jill likes the design of the blog best on a desktop view and nobody has told her that she can take screenshots on her laptop, not just pictures of it. And there are even widgets for it and browser extensions if she doesn’t want to learn the keyboard commands. It’s really just not that hard! And yet, somehow, her Instagram just keeps getting filled with pictures like this.
Is it some kind of coded message? Is there some point to including the laptop’s keyboard in the picture? Does Jill love the aesthetics of it for some reason? I mean, it is kind of interesting to see what apps she has open (what’ve you got going on in Excel, there, Jilly Muffin?). But still, it needs to stop. Here’s some free advice for a would-be lifestyle blogger out there whose name may or may not start with J and end with ill Duggar: Post. Pretty. Pictures. People love pretty pictures! A great shot of your tater tot casserole is bound to go a lot farther than a picture of your tater tot casserole posted on your blog displayed on your computer screen captured in a photo posted to Instagram. It’s just a lot of steps, boo. And trust, people will still make the connection from the caption that the recipe is on your blog even if you don’t show the actual blog itself. OK? We’ll just give it a shot. But if you need any other free pointers, let me know.
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