Following his unexpected split from girlfriend Desi Kibler, Jeremy Calvert is setting the record straight. The Teen Mom 2 star recently took to Twitter to reveal what really happened between the couple and why they decided to break up. Watch the video above for Jeremy's brutally honest response.

This past weekend, Jeremy revealed he called it quits with Desi by sharing a cartoon of a man with multiple knives in his back. "When you have a good heart, you help too much, you trust too much, you give too much, you love too much and this is what happens in the end," he captioned the meme. It's no surprise fans are now rooting for the 29-year-old to get back together with his ex, Leah Messer — who is also the mother of his five-year-old daughter Adalynn. "I think you and Leah would be great together now. She’s changed so much. You would make an amazing team," one follower wrote before another added, "I think you could have hanged on a little longer when Leah was going through her depression but I get it. I would love to see you guys back together."

However, Jeremy has made it very clear he does not want to ruin his current co-parenting relationship with Leah. "Everyone wants me and Leah to get back together. I'll always love Leah, we have a child together, he said. "I don't want to jeopardize what we have together to work out for 6 months or even a year and then everything falls apart. I don't want Addie to feel that tension."

Despite his hesitation to rekindle their romance, Leah did drop the bombshell that the former couple recently hooked up. "I guess at first maybe I considered [getting back together with Jeremy]," Leah shared on Kailyn Lowry's podcast. "Like, 'If we are getting along this great, why not try it again for Addie’s sake?' But at the end of the day, we weren’t happy. We didn’t do well together but we do great as friends."

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