Standing up! Frankie Grande appeared at the Bentonville Film Festival on Thursday, May 9, to be part of an LGBTQ inclusion panel. The brother of Ariana Grande spoke all about representation in the media and breaking stereotypes. The activist is here to say that he’ll be using his energy to propel the important cause forward.

The blonde stud explained to In Touch that he appeared on the panel to “talk about LGBTQ representation in film and in television. And, where we are doing well, where we could be improving a lot more and what my role has been in that movement so far, to date.”

Craig Robinson, Jeremy Blacklow, Tamara M Williams, Carly Usdin and Frankie Grande bentonville film festival
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“I think that we’re seeing a lot more trans men and women represented in film and television, which is beautiful,” the 36-year-old said. “And also, that there’s been this movement towards LGBT [actors] playing LGBT characters, which is so important because when you have a straight person playing an LGBTQ role, it doesn’t give the same message of normalizing it for the masses, for the people.”

The Nickelodeon actor also begged, “And get out of the stereotypes! We don’t need to see the exact same stereotype of a gay man over and over and over again. We don’t need that because we are multidimensional characters. We are people that have every single type of emotion.”

The Arkansas based festival’s mission is to promote “underrepresented voices in the entertainment industry through research, education, and the support of inclusive content production and distribution,” which made Frankie the perfect panelist. The official event site concisely noted that they want to help make the media industry an overall more inclusive place. “Our goal is to create a seismic change in how we media inspires young minds to do great things.”

Keep slaying, Frankie!

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