What happens when a guy who never takes risks marries a spontaneous woman? Henry and Christina took a major “leap of faith” when they walked down the aisle on Married at First Sight. Fans met the season 11 couple during the Wednesday, July 15, premiere, but In Touch got the opportunity to get to know the reality stars a little better.

So who are Henry, 35, and Christina, 30 — and are they a good match? Both the bride and groom had been in serious relationships in the past, but neither of them could figure out how to make that final leap from dating to settling down.

“I really thought that I wanted to be married to the point of, if I was asked, I would have told you I was 100% sure of it. I was also not understanding what was going wrong in past relationships,” Christina exclusively tells In Touch. “I know that I have so much to offer the right person, but maybe I’m miscommunicating or giving that energy to undeserving people?” Her romantic track record left her feeling like she might need a little help. “My previous relationship was such an intense emotional rollercoaster so, after that one, I was pretty much done with the whole relationship/dating thing.”

Henry felt similarly. “I was in a long term, 7-year relationship during my 20s. That was the closest I had been to getting married. We didn’t get engaged at the time because I was simply not ready for it and I didn’t think it was fair to her to give the relationship more time,” he explains. After several short-term relationships, he decided to put his fate in the experts’ hands when someone recommended him for the show. “After a few restless nights of mulling it over, I decided to give it a whirl. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to start going through the process, learn more about it, and potentially get matched!”

He hoped agreeing to walk down the aisle would make up for all the past risks he neglected to take — and marrying someone so different than him was definitely a risk. “I’m my way about a lot of things and she is more free-spirited. I stay in my lane a lot and don’t often break out of my comfort zone. She’s not like that at all. She would totally book a random flight across seas one or two days in advance and go enjoy herself. It would take me weeks or even months to do something like that. She’s a lot more spontaneous and impulsive. I’m a lot more thoughtful and like to have things planned out well in advance,” Henry says.

Christina says she wanted someone “kind and stable,” and her list of deal breakers simply included “no meanies or f–kboys or a–holes.” Though she says Henry usually meets that description, there were times his set-in-his-ways attitude came off as “dismissive” and difficult. “He was very routine, which is a small fraction of the stability that I asked for. I love to travel and be spontaneous sometimes and it’s important to me that I’m not the only one in the relationship creating spontaneity and fun,” she shares. “But I went into this knowing I can grow in love. … I had to at least try because I knew that this wasn’t ever going to be easy.”

Married at First Sight airs on Lifetime Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. ET.