This article was originally published on Blue Ribbon Hemp. To view the original article, click here.



If it feels like you keep hearing more and more about CBD, you’re not alone. This naturally derived compound has become a buzz words for health and wellness industries and beyond. Hopefully the more you have heard about CBD, the better. But with any new and emerging industry, there can be misconceptions with the increase in traffic and talk. Misconceptions about CBD can range from its legality to how it makes you feel. Here are seven common CBD misconceptions we can clear up for you, once and for all.



  1. CBD Is The Same As THC


CBD is NOT the same as THC. Though both compounds occur naturally and often within the same plant genomes, they are not the same. CBD is one of many compounds that can be found in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD, as well as THC and all other cannabinoids (CBN, CBG, CBC) interact with the human body’s endocannabinoid system. CBD’s interaction with the ECS is different that THC’s, accompanied by no intoxicating feeling, often referred to as a “high.” CBD will not cause a euphoric feeling, but could potentially help with relaxation and stress relief.


  1. You Can Become Addicted To CBD


Though research surrounding CBD is new and still emerging rapidly, it actually points in the direction of CBD being an aid in the fight against addiction. The way in which CBD interacts with the body and brain can lead to a reduction in addictive or relapsing behaviors according to a study done by the Recovery Research Institute.


  1. CBD Is Illegal


In the United States, purchasing CBD derived from hemp or cannabis plants with a THC threshold less than 0.3% is completely legal. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp and low-yielding THC cannabis plants from the list of Controlled Substances.


  1. Only Certain Ages Should Use CBD


There is the misunderstanding that CBD and THC are the same, so the notion that CBD may only be for certain ages, millennials per say, is a big CBD misconception. CBD is non-intoxicating because of its very low or no levels of THC, and the two compounds have very different effects on the body and brain. CBD can be useful for all ages and a variety of ailments or conditions. There are even CBD brands that carefully remove all traces of THC, eliminating concerns. CBD oil has even been steadily on the rise in popularity for a wider range of ages due to its use in children suffering from epilepsy.


  1. CBD Makes You High


CBD is non-intoxicating, which is in-fact different than being non-psychoactive; but CBD will not get you “high.” CBD can affect one’s mental state, thus why it is commonly associated with aiding in anxiety and depression, but it does cause the euphoric feeling often associated with THC. CBD is not marijuana, and all CBD products in the U.S. have too low of a THC threshold, or are completely THC-free, and will not make you “high.”


  1. Hemp And Marijuana Are The Same


Hemp and marijuana come from the same family of plants, but are vastly different in cultivation and usage. Marijuana plants are known to have a high level of THC and are used for recreational and medicinal purposes. Hemp plants contain very low levels of THC but are high in CBD. Hemp plants can be used from seed to flower for a variety of things from dietary supplements to clothing products to oils and elixirs. Think lemons and oranges; both are citrus fruits just like hemp and marijuana are both cannabis plants, but have very different properties.



  1. All CBD Is Created Equal


One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding CBD, especially as the market expands, is that all CBD is created equal. For the highest quality CBD, it must be grown, extracted and manufactured using a high standard. From seed to sale, transparency within the CBD industry is something to always pay attention to and look for when choosing a CBD product.


Often times, turning to a third-party lab test result to ensure quality, purity and potency, will give you peace of mind. Always double-check label claims and rely on brands that are willing to do quality control tests through independent labs, like Blue Ribbon Hemp. With a variety of high-quality CBD products catered to those who may not be familiar with CBD, Blue Ribbon Hemp, is a great choice for finding a great CBD product backed by lab test results and is doctor formulated. To learn more about Blue Ribbon Hemp and it’s Co-Founder Dr. Igor Bussel, explore here.