It’s been a rough few years for Sarah Hyland. The Modern Family star has kidney dysplasia, which means that her kidneys did not develop normally when she was born, and unfortunately, she needed a kidney transplant in 2012. Luckily, her dad gave her one, and it seemed like the 28-year-old was on the mend. However, in 2016, Sarah’s body began to reject the kidney, and she needed another transplant ASAP.

Fortunately, another family member — her brother — was a match this time. The actress was nervous that her body would reject the second kidney, though. “I was very depressed. When a family member gives you a second chance at life, and it fails, it almost feels like it’s your fault. It’s not. But it does,” she told Self magazine. “For a long time, I was contemplating suicide, because I didn’t want to fail my little brother like I failed my dad. I had gone through [my whole life] of always being a burden, of always have to be looked after, having to be cared for.”

However, Sarah talked about her suicidal thoughts with someone close to her, and that helped her get through that dark time. “It’s not shameful. For anybody that wants to reach out to somebody, but doesn’t really know how because they’re too proud or they think that they’ll be looked upon as weak, it’s not a shameful thing to say. It’s not a shameful thing to share,” she proudly confessed.

Unfortunately, her health problems didn’t stop there. She has endometriosis, and also developed an abdominal hernia at some point too. Throughout her recovery, she relied on her great support system, which includes her boyfriend, Wells Adams. The two first connected via social media, and then they “met each other for the first time three days before my transplant,” she said. “He was texting me in the morning before I went into surgery, and we were FaceTiming the entire time I was in the hospital.”

Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland wearing a white dress at an event
Getty Images

She continued, “He’s seen me at my worst. He was there through all of that. I think that’s why I feel the most beautiful in his eyes, because he still finds me beautiful after seeing all that.”

Well, we’re so glad you’re OK, Sarah!

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.