HBO's Hung, which follows the life of Ray Drecker, a small town male prostitute is about to get even more interesting when it introduces a transgender love interest. Up and Coming actress, Jamie Clayton has been cast to play the role of Kyla, a pre-op transgender woman that hires Thomas Jayne's character for his sexual services for the show's upcoming third season. In a exclusive interview with In Touch, Jamie opens up about her big break. "The people in my life that know that I have been pursuing an acting career know this has been a long journey of taking acting classes and auditioning," she says. "The moment I walked on set I felt happy to be there."

When asked about Thomas's reaction to her playing his lover, Jamie reveals, "He got to know me and realized that I am just a normal girl, just like any other actress. He knew that this was my first role and told me that I was a natural and was proud of me." The actress, who was last seen as a host on VH1's short lived makeover show TRANSform Me, knows that it is not an everyday occurrence for a girl like herself to have a role like this come her way, "I am really proud to have this opportunity and to show that transgender actors can play someone other than the hooker or the mistress. Kyla is a receptionist and a very interesting character."

It looks like we will be hearing a lot more of Jamie, after Hung's creator suggested to TV Guide that there is a possibility that Kyla could become Ray's full time girlfriend in the fourth season.