After receiving Internet backlash for literally everything he does lately, Derick Dillard is finally catching a break. The Counting On star surprised his wife, Jill Duggar, with a romantic candlelit meal after their two sons — Israel, 2, and Samuel, 3 months — went to bed. Watch the video below to see the sweet photo!

The reality star dad is notorious for spoiling his wife with meals — although, TBH, we’re not sure what’s going on in this photo. Plantains, fruit loops, and maybe some chips? But hey, it’s the thought that counts.

Unfortunately, the 28-year-old has been making headlines these days for all the wrong reasons. Most recently, he was slammed for not having a job. On Oct. 16, someone tagged him in a Twitter post and asked, “Get a job yet?” to which he replied, “Funny, I’ve worked full-time salaried job/school non-stop for the past 23 years… might want to check your sources.” ~Mic drop.~

Haters have long attacked the reality star not having a solid career. After ending his El Salvador ministry, Derick advertised his PureCharity fund — similar to GoFundMe — and asked people to donate to his new ministry. Unfortunately, it was met with so much backlash that it was eventually taken down. “Get a job and earn it,” one person commented. Another added, “I’m going to donate my charity money to my local food bank or women’s shelter… you have lots of money from TLC, why don’t you put that towards your ministry?”

Yet according to his LinkedIn, he’s doesn’t have a job like he says he does. The last thing on his resume was the missionary trip to Central America. Prior to that, he worked at Wal-Mart. TBH, we’re not buying it, D!