Another day, another Duggar controversy! A new season of Counting On kicked off tonight, and it introduced us to some new members of the extended Duggar family — including Joseph Duggar’s new wife Kendra Caldwell and her family.

One of the most talked about characters to come out of the new season is Kendra’s father, Pastor Paul Caldwell — who is believed to be around 40. And like the Duggars, Pastor Caldwell is no stranger to controversy!

The pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church came under fire a few years back when his church printed flyers about the LGBTQ community. On the pamphlets — which were passed out door-to-door — the church asked the question, “Does God love homosexuals?” According to a local news report, the pamphlet responded that it was a “flawed question, [because] there are no such things as homosexuals.”

Understandably, many members of the community were outraged by the pamphlets. One local resident told the local news station, “I just don’t think it’s right to push your religious beliefs on people in neighborhoods like this or any neighborhood.”

Of course, the Duggars have been vocal about the LGBTQ community. Most recently, Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard took on the transgender community when he slammed teenager trans advocate and fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings. Similar to Pastor Caldwell suggesting homosexuals do not exist, Derick landed in hot water when he tweeted, “What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Shortly thereafter, both 16-year-old Jazz and her shared network with Derick, TLC, fired back against the hate-fueled tweet. “Every day, I experience cyber-bullying, but I keep sharing my story. Today was no different,” the I Am Jazz star tweeted. The networked added, “Derick Dillard’s personal statement does not represent the views of TLC.” Looks like it’s only a matter of time before TLC starts denouncing Pastor Caldwell, too!

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