So much for sisterly love. When Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard took their two little kids out to their first baseball game recently, Jill’s big sis Jana Duggar came with. But fans don’t think she was brought on because of her love of baseball or for a little family bonding. They suspect instead that she was brought along as a built-in babysitter for little Israel and Samuel Dillard.  Check out the video above to see proof that Jana is ALWAYS the designated babysitter.

In a new post on their family blog, the mother of two revealed that she and her hubby took their kids out to the ol’ ball game a few weeks back. “Thanks to Derick’s Mom and her boss (Paul), we all had a wonderful evening at the Naturals’ Faith and Family night at the local Arvest Ballpark,” she wrote. “For any of you who have traveled/lived outside the U.S.A., there are just some things you miss when you’re abroad that make you even more appreciative when you’re back home. Baseball, hotdogs, patriotic music and fireworks are just a few of those things!”

She also shared some pictures of the two little Dillards having a blast. One of those pictures include Jana, and Jill captioned the shot, “Jana was able to join us for the game!” Some of the family’s followers took to reddit to discuss the post, but they weren’t buying that Jana was there to have a good time. “Why don’t they ever just say…Jana was there to babysit lol,” one redditor commented. 

This wouldn’t be the first time Jana was invited somewhere with a sister purely so she could help care for their kids. The oldest Duggar daughter has been raising other people’s children since she was still just a child herself. She’s played sister-mom to not only her own little siblings, but also her siblings’ kids. reddit even recently dug up an old photo of Jana playing the piano while she had her baby sister Jennifer literally strapped to her chest. 

“Taking care of a newborn to the extent that Jenni is strapped to Jana while she plays piano seems like excessive responsibility for teen Jana to take on,” wrote one commenter. “Going through the albums the other day was the first time I’d seen this pic and I was very taken aback. We often talk about the child rearing responsibilities that were placed on the older girls, but it’s heart wrenching to see it in action.” Another user put it a little more concisely: “Wow, that’s f–ked.”

Unfortunately, it all just seems like a day in the life for Jana. But maybe someday soon she’ll pull a John-David Duggar and finally find someone to help her escape the family home. Fingers crossed.