She’s not concerned! Tori Roloff responded to several questions she gets asked a lot about her dog, Murphy, and let her Instagram followers know she’s not at all concerned about his bond with her son, Jackson Roloff. “Questions I get daily about Murphy,” she began the text post on her Story. The final inquiry was, “Aren’t you worried he will hurt Jackson?”

Tori Roloff Not Worried Murphy Hurt Son Jackson
Courtesy of Zach Roloff/Instagram

”Not even a little,” Tori responded. “They’re best friends. Know your dog and don’t judge me for what we do with our furry friend whom we trust with our child.” That’s that, haters!

The other questions fans asked included, “What breed is he?” to which Tori, 28, replied, “Bernese mountain dog.” Someone also asked if he sheds and the Little People, Big World mom responded, “YES! I vacuum daily.” LOL! A different person apparently asked, “Is he full-grown?” and Jackson’s mama replied that she hopes so. (The pooch is definitely not a puppy anymore!)

tori roloff not worried murphy would hurt jackson
Courtesy of Tori Roloff/Instagram

One other inquiry Tori said she’s asked a lot was, “Are all Bernese this good with kids?” and she answered, “No. Every dog is different. Although Berners are known to be very loyal and not aggressive. But again — every dog is different.” Fair answer!

The whole post actually echoes criticism that Tori has dealt with in the past when it comes to the Roloff family pet and her son. In June, she clapped back at people who criticized Jackson and Murphy’s relationship and wrote at the time, “Please know that I am VERY aware of safety when it comes to animals. Murphy LOVES Jackson and often times engages him in play. He is also very protective of J and I know in my bone of bones he would do nothing to hurt J on purpose. (The occasional knockdown happens but that’s life with a 120-pound uncoordinated teenager.)”

She added, “I understand that many have scary stories of dogs hurting their kids and trust me we take that seriously. But also not all dogs are alike. You have to know your dog and what your dog’s limits are. Murphy doesn’t have many limits haha. He has no bubble [per se] and loves the attention. Just because you get a Berner or dog with mellow attitude doesn’t mean they will be as tolerant as Murphy. Again you have to know your dog. And we know Murphy would never hurt Jackson. So that being said let them be best buds. Kthanksbye.” The bottom line is, Tori knows her son’s bond with his dog, and she seems to just be asking parents to trust that as much as they trust that they know their own pets.

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