Todd and Julie Chrisley Update Fans on Medical News: ‘Today’s a Celebration’
Happy day! Chrisley Knows Best stars Todd Chrisley and Julie Chrisley recently shared an exciting update regarding Julie’s health.
On the March 23 episode of their podcast, Chrisley Confessions, Julie reported good news after an oncology appointment. Exactly 10 years after her double mastectomy, her doctor told her she could stop taking the cancer-treating drug, tamoxifen.
Julie, 49, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 due to too much estrogen in her body, Along with her double mastectomy, she underwent a radical hysterectomy, having her ovaries removed in 2013. She was later declared in remission.
Coming off the medication, Julie said she hopes to be free from its side effects, including weight gain, joint pain and specifically brain fog and memory loss. “It’s been a direct result of having the hysterectomy and the medication,” she said.
“I remember season one of Chrisley Knows Best, I literally spent the entire season searching for my phone, because I would lay it down, and I couldn’t find it.” Julie was even so concerned with her memory at times that she was tested for Alzheimer’s. “It was so scary to me,” she said.
Todd, 52, also commented on how the weight gain affected his wife. “I remember one of the biggest things that you struggled with was, for the first time in your life, you were putting on weight.” While on the topic, Julie responded, “Keep in mind, this was before I started my journey with Nutrisystem too, but I remember you saying to me, ‘Listen. You’re alive. You’re cancer-free. You know, weight is something that we can deal with when we deal with it down the road.’”
Julie began using Nutrisystem to get her health and weight back on track. “I have been a partner with Nutrisystem for several years now,” Julie exclusively told Us Weekly in January, “and I am down officially 30 pounds.” After seeing her results, Todd joined in and they took on the Nutrisystem Partner Plan together.
“I am thrilled,” Todd said about his wife’s medical update. “I’m so happy. I’m so proud for you, because I know that the medicine has been a struggle for you.” He also declared, “Today’s a celebration.”
“I have been very vocal about talking about my journey,” Julie said, “and I will continue doing that because if it helps one person then, you know, I feel like all the stuff that I’ve gone through has not been in vain. But I was very happy to get a good result today.” The TV personality added, “You’re not in it by yourself.”
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