She's standing by her man! Fans were shocked while watching this week's episode of TLC's newest reality TV series Seeking Sister Wife after Dimitri Snowden basically cheated on his wife Ashley Kapri. Earlier this season, the couple introduced themselves as newcomers to the polygamous lifestyle and after one failed attempt at finding a sister wife, they were ready to try again. But the process came with some ground rules, and Dimitri broke one of the major rules and slept with his potential second wife on their first one-on-one date — and now Ashley is defending Dimitri's actions.

"There are only [two] people on this planet Dimitri has to answer to. The first, and most important, is himself. YOU are always the first person YOU have to answer to. And in all honesty, you are the only person you have to answer to," she wrote. "It is a courtesy to answer to someone else. I know that’s a hard one for the masses to relate to, so take some time to process. The [second] person is me. And he has done that, And I have made the conscious effort to see him for who he is."

Many people have slammed Dimitri on social media and accused of him cheating on Ashley with a younger woman while she sat at home taking care of their two children while she was also pregnant with their third, but Ashley went on to explain why she's forgiven him. She praised Dimitri as a hard-working father and husband and said she chose to work through his faults with him, just like he has chosen to work through her own faults with her.

"We think differently. If you can’t digest that, feel free to move along," Ashley continued. "I know for a fact we aren’t going to be everybody’s cup of tea on a cold winters’ day. And that’s okay. Because those that know us, love us, and understand that, there’s really nothing to forgive. If lessons are learned, we win, even when we fail."