Charlie Puth Admits He Wrote ‘Marks on My Neck’ Song ‘in the Middle’ of Having Sex
Music inspo? Charlie Puth admitted in a recent interview that he came up with the song “Marks on My Neck” while having sex.
“I wrote the song in the middle of the act,” the “Attention” artist, 31, told Interview on Tuesday, June 13, before adding, “Maybe I should have focused on the act a little bit more, but the melody just kind of popped into my head and I actually had stopped and recorded a little quick voice note, and then had to get back into the act.”
Charlie elaborated how “the melody” came about during such an intimate moment.
“I was getting over somebody and what better way [to do that] than meet new people?” he explained. “It probably wasn’t going to work out with this person and that was what I was energetically picking up, which is OK. It’s all about the experience. And I remember waking up and looking at myself in the mirror, noticing these marks on my neck, and every day, they’d heal and fade but so would the person who put them on me. And we went our separate ways. I’m thankful for the experience and maybe they are as well, but I just thought it was interesting that a person can fade away at the same pace of the scars on your neck.”
The Grammy Award nominee then unveiled that he has a “sex playlist,” which includes, Delegation’s “Oh Honey” and that “sometimes it’s just ‘Blue in Green’ by Miles Davis.”
“I have a place in New York, and I always hope that it snows and/or rains while I’m having sex because I want to put that record on,” he continued. “I went to Manhattan School of Music in Harlem and would always listen to jazz on the ride up there. You think that I’d want to listen to something else after having played eight hours of jazz? But it’s always jazz for me in any scenario. Never hip-hop. That feels like, too on the nose, like having Drake playing in the background.”
As for how he views the inspiration behind songwriting, Charlie noted, “There’s always music to be intimate with and I’ve always been profoundly intrigued by music that isn’t sexy-sounding but the people involved or a person, solo session maybe, they make it so. It’s the people that make the music sexy.”
The “How Long” singer isn’t shy when it comes to sexuality and nudity. He has even proudly shared risqué photos via Instagram, with one of the most memorable posts being a black and white snapshot of him holding a box of Cheerios to cover his midsection in December 2022.
“I have always loved being naked,” he told the outlet, adding, “I really do have kind of a nice butt.”
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