Celebrity trainer and model Keoni Hudoba — who teaches classes at Barry’s Bootcamp, where Kim Kardashian tones her famous derriere — looks like the epitome of health now. But flash back to 2003 and you’d see a very different person. “I used to weigh 327,” reveals Hudobai, 28, in an exclusive interview with In Touch. “I just kept eating, hoping I’d become invisible.”

Then at an audition during the summer of 2003, Hudoba was told he missed out on a part because he was overweight. “It was at that moment when I realized I couldn’t walk without being out of breath and I knew I needed to change.” Gradually, Hudoba made adjustments to his nutrition, like switching to skim milk and whole wheat bread. He also worked out for two hours a day with a trainer. “Within eight months I started to see results and my skin cleared up and I just felt better.”

Losing weight also coincided with Hudoba’s willingness to accept himself and his homosexuality. “I come from a Catholic background and thought there was no way I could come out to my family,” he recalls. “But then I realized I needed to own this and the people that are going to stay around are the people that I want in my life.”

Now at 28 and 180 pounds, 6’2” Hudoba is happy, healthy and surrounded by the love of his family. He is devoted to teaching others about fitness through his classes at Barry’s Bootcamp and his signature class, Drenched at 24 Hour Fitness Derek Jeter in New York.

For more information, check out https://www.keonikinetics.com/

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