Ummm, Seth MacFarlane — do you know something we don’t?

As rumors continue to swirl about Bruce Jenner’s alleged desires to transition and live life as a woman, we’ve unearthed two Family Guy clips that lead us to believe this is something the show has known all along!

The first clip is from season 7, episode 14 — titled, “We Love You, Conrad” — originally aired on May 3, 2009. To put that into perspective, on the same night ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ aired its 27th episode ever.

It was a simpler time: Kim was still deciding between her career and her romance with Reggie Bush, Khloé had meetings in New York about opening a second DASH store, Bruce and Kris were still man and wife…

But someone over at FOX just knew!

What? How? What just — did they…

Yes. That just happened.

And then, years later — on Sept. 25, 2011 for season 10, episode 1 — they took this insane theory and gave it legs to stand on.

Beautiful, dancing legs in short shorts!
