Looks like Teen Mom 3 star Briana DeJesus is taking a page from Farrah Abraham’s parenting book…

Shortly after the mother-of-one, 24, went under the knife for plastic surgery (including a Brazilian butt lift, breast implants and a labiaplasty), she revealed that her four-year-old daughter Nova wants to follow in her footsteps — and Bri is shockingly okay with it!

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“I told [my daughter] that a doctor opened me up and put stuff to make my boobs bigger. She goes, ‘I want my boobs done,’” Briana tells Radar. “I was like, ‘No! Not now. Not anytime soon.’”

That said, she doesn’t mean that she’s ruling out cosmetic procedures for her daughter indefinitely.

“I want her to be much older than I am and I would let her go for it,” the reality starlet says. “If she wants something to make her happy and to boost her self-confidence…I’m all for it.”

Earlier this year, Farrah — who has had breast implants, a nose job and a chin implant — told In Touch she would support her daughter, Sophia, getting plastic surgery when she’s older if she so desires.

“If she validly wants something, that’s not outlandish, and she envisions herself that way, well then, yeah, I’m going to support that,” she said.