Five years after appearing on the Dr. Phil Show for help finding their missing adoptive daughter Erica, Casey and Sandy Parsons have been charged with first-degree murder. The parents, who are already in prison for tax fraud, were just indicted by a grand jury for the crime.

In 2016, Sandy led investigators to Erica's body, after he confessed to burying the 13-year-old girl shortly before Christmas in 2011. Despite her disappearance, Casey and Sandy continued to collect adoption benefits, which led to their arrest. Sandy was allowed to leave prison to help investigators locate Erica's remains.

According to reports, Erica was tortured by the couple, who admitted to beating her with a "belt buckle" and choking her, before cutting up her body and burying her on property owned by the family. Along with murder, they have also been charged with child abuse, concealment of death, and obstruction of justice.

On their 2013 appearance on The Dr. Phil Show, the couple's son, who reported Erica missing, claimed they murdered her and buried her in the backyard, while Casey's sister accused the couple of attempting to sell another baby in the past. However, Sandy and Casey claimed they let Erica live with her biological grandmother — and she was to blame for her disappearance.

"Was it OK when your daughter… when you didn't hear from her for a year and a half?" Dr. Phil asked the couple. "I understand rebellious teens, but was it OK with you as her father to not hear from her for a year and a half?" Sandy responded, "Yeah, it upset me and yes, I miss her. I still miss her." But when it came time to reveal the results of their polygraph tests, Casey and Sandy were nowhere to be found.

Instead, their lawyer appeared on their behalf, and it was revealed that Sandy failed when asked if he was responsible for the disappearance of his daughter. "We know there are problems in what Casey and Sandy have been saying," the attorney told the talk show host. "As far as logically, I don't know if he misread or misinterpreted the question as far as to the fact that they did deliver her and she's gone now." If she had lived, Erica would be 20 years old today.