They’re continuing to fight. It’s been six years since Casey Anthony was acquitted on murder charges in the disappearance and death of her daughter two-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, but emotions are still running high for Casey’s parents George and Cindy Anthony. The couple filmed a joint interview on Chris Hansen’s show Crime Watch Daily — which is set to air on Monday, Oct. 29 — and they made it very clear that they’re not afraid to take legal action against their own daughter.

In a clip obtained by Fox News, Chris asked Caylee’s grandparents if they would support a lawsuit against Casey, especially if Casey does decide to star on a reality TV show with another controversial public figure, O.J. Simpson. “Oh god. If it came down to that, I would [sue],” Cindy Anthony told Hansen.

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George and Cindy Anthony.

As In Touch previously reported back in March, Casey was in talks to sign on to film a reality TV series with O.J. since they each have a lot in common — they both were acquitted in the murder trials for their loved ones. “It will give viewers the inside story on the aftermath of living with the horrible crimes they were ultimately acquitted of,” an insider revealed at the time.

In 1995, O.J. was infamously acquitted in the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, and both his and Casey’s cases captivated the nation with its constant media coverage. Casey, who was once dubbed as “the most hated mom in America,” gave her first-ever on-the-record interview since her daughter’s disappearance back in March and she told the Associated Press that she has become “fascinated” by O.J.’s trial because she noticed there were “a lot of parallels” between his case and hers. “I can empathize with his situation,” Casey said.