In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Ray Donovan’s Steven Bauer, 59, opens up about his controversial relationship with 20-year-old activist Lyda Loudon.

After three divorces, Steven says that he’s finally found true love — even though they are nearly 40 years apart.

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“Lyda and I have faced criticism, but not from anyone interesting,” Steven says. “My family loves her and she loves them.”

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Steven Bauer and Lyda Loudon.

In fact, Steven notes their age difference has balanced out their relationship, adding that Lyda has “positively influenced” many areas of his life.

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“She helped me discover all kinds of great lifestyle habits. I’ve lost 30 pounds and weigh what I did while making Scarface,” Steven explains. “I eat very little gluten — I didn’t know gluten-free pizza existed! No hydrogenated oils, very little dairy and sugar, more vegetables and fruits.

“We go together well. Anyone who knows us knows we have something special.”

For the full interview with Steven Bauer, including how he prepares to play the sinister Israeli in Ray Donovan, pick up the latest issue of In Touch, on newsstands now!