Cara Anaya can’t stop having orgasms. And she says her life is being ruined as a result. The 30-year-old opened up about what life is like with Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder — and why it’s way worse than anyone could imagine.

“You’re never satisfied,” she lamented to Barcroft TV. “I’m tired, I’m exhausted, but I know that in the next couple seconds, minutes, hours, another is going to hit.”

She said she once counted how many orgasms she had in a single sitting — and even she was shocked by what she found. She revealed, “In one sitting, I counted 180 in two hours.”

As a wife and mother, PGAD is taking a toll on her life, as she’s unable to control when and where she has orgasms. Time with her 10-year-old son is particularly hard. She explained, “It almost feels like I’m molesting these kids because, I’m around them and I’m having an orgasm.”

Hear more about what life is like with this debilitating disease — in Cara’s own words: