The JWoww and Roger Matthews divorce drama officially reached a boiling point last night when the Jersey Shore star filed a temporary restraining order against her ex. Beginning late on Dec. 13, Roger started posted videos on Instagram telling his side of the story, and for the most part, JWoww has stayed silent. Though she released a written statement on her own social media account, she hasn’t said anything else — which is why her BFF Snooki is now stepping up to clear the air. Watch the video above for Roger’s side of the story, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

In an Instagram post of her own, Snooki shared a video taken from inside JWoww and her ex’s home. The clip seems to be security footage that shows the mom-of-two talking to a police officer and explaining that while she doesn’t want to see her soon-to-be ex-husband, she still wants her children to have access to their father. That seems to contradict Roger’s claims that she’s purposefully trying to keep her children away from him in an attempt to hurt him. But Snooki isn’t just showing a video with the facts — she also has something to say.

“My best friend has been going through A LOT these past few months and my heart breaks for her,” the MTV star said. “She always tries to keep her situations off social media for the sake of the kids, but her voice needs to be heard too. She has tried everything in her power to keep things civil FOR THE KIDS and she’s a damn good mother. She doesn’t leave her kids for months at a time for work. She leaves filming to care for her children that you don’t see. Her character is being tarnished and I’m here to show what’s really going down. She wants nothing but for the kids to have their dad. Unfortunately she was being taunted and baited & this was the result.”

She also had a message to share with JWoww herself. “YOU’RE AN AMAZING MOTHER AND PERSON and all of us who truly know you know this,” Snooki shared, before continuing, “There is more to the story that’s being told. Stop attacking her . *She HAS BEEN asking the cops to tell the judge to allow Roger to see the kids. Everything he has stated in those videos is false news. You shouldn’t taunt her and film her on your phone trying to get a rise out of her to use it for court.* There [are] MANY layers to this. And more videos.”

Snooki claimed she had the proof, but when it comes to sharing those outside a court of law, well, it’s a little trickier. “Legally, I cannot post those but [they] will be used when necessary,” she promised. “You can all have your opinions but don’t attack her for being that person he claims she is. Everything will unfold in due time.”

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