The premiere of Lost Resort (airing Thursdays at 10/9c on TBS) sheds light on the world of exotic wellness retreats. While most of us think about luxurious spa treatments and pampering when we hear the words “Wellness Retreat”, the lessor known truth is sometimes the rituals that take place at these retreats can often take a dark and bizarre turn.

During Lost Resort, nine strangers are placed in a Costa Rican wellness retreat for 21 days, undergoing a series of spiritually-healing rituals, some of which have been practiced for thousands of years by shaman healers. From the sexual to the soul-baring, here are some of the shocking, jaw-dropping, must-see rituals that guests endured on this season of Lost Resort.

Lost Resort

Sacred Orgasmic Healing

Spiritual healer Acqua Xena Heart empowered the guests to tap into their inner sexuality in order to become more in tune with mother earth.  Acqua uses the ritual to help the guests free their mind, body and spirit through orgasmic release. Some guests were enamored by the love spell, others found it a bit beyond their comfort zones.

Lost Resort
Courtesy of Alfa Romeo


Rage Ritual

Rage rooms have become increasingly popular for allowing us to bash away at objects in order to destress. The spiritual Rage Ritual taps into that same mindset, in which guests were tasked with tapping into their innermost anger and literally yelling it out into the world as a means to freeing emotional space in their bodies. Some of the guests unleashed their inner rage more than others.

Lost Resort
Courtesy of Alfa Romeo


Vomitivo Ceremony

A polite way of saying puke your brains out, this ritual is exactly as it sounds. Guests are asked to take a drink of herbal water (often lemongrass) followed by drinking several cups of water until the body naturally regurgitates. The idea being to rid the body of toxins, cleansing yourself of negative energy to free space for positive feelings and thoughts. After literally freeing yourself, you’re presented with a floral reef from a healer, to help reconnect your body and mind with nature.

Lost Resort

Ancestral Fire Drum Ceremony

In this spiritual ritual, guests were tasked with summoning their ancestors as a means to connect with their past in order to heal their present selves. Blindfolded and guided by the beat of drums, each guest is asked to dance around a fire pit while connecting with their ancestors, tapping into an emotional and sometimes painful journey into their past. For some, this pushed well beyond their emotional and physical comfort.

Lost Resort
TLC (2)


Intention Setting Ceremony 

Powerful and straight to the point, this ritual means exactly what it says – setting an intention in order to put it into practice. Guests are tasked with identifying and writing down what inner demons they want to free themselves of. Towards the end of the retreat, each guest stated their intention in front of a fire, followed by burning the paper in order to validate the intention. Was their intent true or did they revert back to their old ways?

Lost Resort


To see more shocking and bizarre rituals, and how each of the Lost Resort guests dealt with the emotionally and physically demands of the retreat, tune in to Lost Resort, airing Thursdays at 10pm on TBS.


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