If you’re looking to learn about Web3, NFT’s Twitter is the platform to be.  This list of influencers is the best place to start to be in the know.

The following NFT influencers focus on education, community building and encouraging others to take part in the web3 movement.

The Best 25 NFT Influencers

  1. Ohh Shiny

  2. Farokh

  3. Deeze

  4. Joel Contartese

  5. Nicole Behnam

  6. Space Cowboy

  7. Pio

  8. Morgan Taylor

  9. Zenca_33

  10. Bento Boi

  11. Nate Alex

  12. Von Doom

  13. Andrew Wang

  14. Nathan

  15. Sibel

  16. Laura Rodriguez

  17. The Austin Wizard

  18. Fanzo

  19. Tal Navarro

  20. Mando

  21. Takoa

  22. 3LAU

  23. Danny Ukes

  24. Keith Berry

  25. Amir

An Introductory Guide to NFTs

Even though NFTs have been in the news for a little more than a year, many of us still have no idea what they are and why it’s become the new modern-day phenomenon. From water cooler gossip to celebrities launching their own personalized NFTs, its popularity has skyrocketed out of nowhere, leaving those on the outside wondering what to make of it. While the subject may be a rabbit hole in and of itself, here’s an introduction to NFTs to give you a fighting chance to stay in the conversation.

What Is an NFT?

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a unique unit of data that uses technology to log and authenticate digital content. Whether it’s films, songs, images or memorabilia, once the material is logged onto the blockchain, every transaction, from transfers to sales, is recorded ‘on-chain,’ resulting in a searchable database of provenance and price history. The fundamental impact of NFTs is that they make it simple to own and sell digital content.

Each NFT’s one-of-a-kind design allows for a diverse range of applications and is a great way to digitally represent real-world assets like real estate, VIP access, and artwork. Because they are constructed on blockchains, NFTs can also be used to eliminate the middle person and connect artists with audiences and identity management, simplifying transactions and offering new avenues of opportunity.

Cryptocurrencies, like real money, are fungible, which means they may be bought and sold for one another. For example, one bitcoin is always valued the same as another bitcoin. A single ether unit is always equal to another ether unit. Because of their fungibility, cryptocurrencies are well-suited as a secure means of transaction in the digital economy.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) alter the crypto paradigm by making each token unique and irreplaceable, making it impossible to compare two non-fungible tokens. They are digital representations of assets, similar to digital passports in that each token has its own unique, non-transferable characteristic that allows it to be distinguished from others.

NFTs, like Bitcoin, give ownership data, making it simple to identify and transfer tokens between holders. NFT owners can additionally add metadata or attributes relevant to the asset. For example, artists can utilize their signatures in the metadata to sign their digital artwork.

A well-known NFT application to look at would be Cryptokitties. Cryptokitties are digital representations of cats with distinct identities first released on the Ethereum blockchain in November 2017. Each kitten is one-of-a-kind and has a monetary value in ether and can reproduce amongst themselves, producing children with distinct characteristics and values from their parents.

Cryptokitties gained a fanbase that spent $20 million in ether to acquire, feed, and care for them just a few weeks after they were released, with even some supporters paying upward of $100,000 to the cause.

What Are the Benefits of NFT?

While the talk of bitcoin has come and gone in the last decade, it has now found itself in a phase of a resurgence thanks to NFTs. While modern financial systems include sophisticated trading and lending systems for various asset types, including real estate, lending contracts, and artwork, NFTs are now ahead of the curve by reinventing the infrastructure through digital representations of tangible objects.

While the concept of digitally representing authentic items’ unique identification is not anything new, what is different is that when these concepts are paired with the advantages of a tamper-resistant blockchain of smart contracts, they combine to produce a powerful force for change.

The use of NFTs on the blockchain to represent digital or physical artwork removes the need for agencies and allows artists to engage directly with their followers while helping them to enhance their processes.

Non-fungible tokens can potentially aid with identity management. Consider passports, which must be available at all entry and exit locations. Personal passports can be converted into NFTs, each with its distinguishing characteristics, to ease entry and leave procedures for jurisdictions.

NFTs can help democratize investing by fractionalizing physical assets such as real estate. A digital real estate asset can be divided significantly more readily among several owners than a physical one. This tokenization ethic does not apply only to real estate; it can also be used for other assets such as artwork. As a result, artwork does not always need to be held by a single individual. Its digital form can have numerous owners, each in charge of a small portion of the work and boost the company’s value and income.

As NFTs evolve and integrate with financial infrastructure, it may be possible to implement the same concept of tokenized real estate (varying in value and location) into the physical world.

What Are Some Examples of NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens can digitally represent anything, including online-only assets such as digital artwork and real-world assets such as real estate. Assets that NFTs can convey include in-game avatars, digital and non-digital collectibles, domain names and event tickets.

One of the more popular NFTs to launch last year was the Bored Ape Yacht Club, which rose in prominence due to its scarcity and celebrity involvement. With only 10,000 Bored Ape NFT available, it has become an “off-chain” brand, transcending the NFT landscape, and is now involved with mainstream brands, mobile games and celebrities such as Eminem and Paris Hilton.

Owning a Bored Ape NFT provides you complete commercial rights to it, which holders are utilizing in new ways, from having a biography written by a New York Times author for one of the bored apes to signing three bored apes one mutant to Universal Music Group. While art is only worth what people are willing to pay for it, the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT has shown no limit to how far the potential of NFTs can go.

Where Can I Get NFTs?

Because many NFTs can only be purchased using ether, the first step is to get a small amount of this cryptocurrency and store it in a digital wallet. Following that, you can buy NFTs from any online NFT marketplace, such as Rarible, SuperRare and OpenSea.

Are NFTs Safe?

Non-fungible tokens that operate on identical blockchain as cryptocurrencies are generally secure. Because blockchains are dispersed, NFTs are difficult (but not impossible) to hack. One security issue with NFTs is that you may lose access to your non-fungible token if the platform that hosts the NFT collapses.

Is It Worth Creating an NFT?

Beyond the asset tokenization that NFT offers, they can also act as smart contracts, contracts that are programmed to perform specific activities automatically under specified conditions. With NFTs having the potential to give its creator a portion of future sales, assisting artists in securing a consistent source of income – and, perhaps more importantly, a piece of future resale value.

What Is the Future of NFTs?

While NFTs may be the hottest thing in town right now, they still have a long way to go before they are universally acknowledged and a mainstream force, even if they have a lot of momentum behind them. Despite the staggering sums exchanged in headline-grabbing transactions, they remain a niche product that may be a passing craze.

Holders of tokens may find themselves with an excess of NFTs with no buyers if their popularity declines, as has happened with other booms in recent years. However, as with the larger application of blockchain, it is clear that due to the utility of NFTs as commercial records of ownership, they may be here to stay in some form or another.

If the last few years have taught us anything, even the inconceivable is possible. While the rise of NFTs was meteoric last year, the jury is still out on how many more miles this worldwide trend has left in the tank, but one thing is certain: it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Written in partnership with Famous Entrepreneurs

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