Rest in peace. Sean Dolan, the father of the Dolan twins of YouTube fame Ethan and Grayson Dolan, passed away from cancer on January 19, according to updates the twins shared online. In a 2016 YouTube video the twins posted, titled “You’re Not Alone,” the video platform stars got honest with their fans about Sean’s battle with the disease, and now, he has unfortunately lost that battle.

Grayson, 19, took Twitter to share a touching tribute to his dad. “I can’t believe that today actually real,” Grayson wrote. “It doesn’t make sense. Ethan and I are going to be taking some time off and spending it with our family. I love you guys so much thank you so much for everything. I’ll be back soon♥️.”

Ethan, also 19, also shared his own tribute to their father. “Life feels like a nightmare,” he tweeted. “Taking some time off to be with our family. I love you so much, Dad. I’ll see you guys soon.” So sad.

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Dad, you were so much more to me than just my Dad. Although we were only granted 19 years here together it feels like we’ve spent a million lifetimes together. You are such a strong soul and you’ve made such a strong impact on more people than you would believe. I know you will always be with me but I want you to know that I will always be with you. You’re never alone Dad. You are the toughest man that I will EVER know. The pain you endured, physical and emotional, throughout your entire journey that you prevailed through is indescribable and I admire you so much for pushing through without a single complaint. You are the strongest man I will EVER know. The sacrifices you made for your family throughout your journey could not be done without prodigious courage. You always put others first even if it meant the worst for yourself. You are the sweetest most caring man I will EVER know. The consideration you had for everyone and anyone is truly heartwarming. You were a father figure and friend to all of my friends too. I could go on for eternity, I really could. When you were very sick you told us, “This disease may get my body, but not my mind and not my heart. As long as my heart is beating I will still be fighting.” That is exactly what you did Dad. That is something I will always remember when faced with adversity. You fought the hardest fight. Cancer may have taken your life but with the strength and dignity you showed, and the inspiration you left us with, you won the battle Dad. I wanted to share this letter I wrote my dad so that I could help you understand the amazing person he was. He did so much good for the world and deserves recognition.

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Ethan also wrote on Instagram, in part, “Dad, you were so much more to me than just my Dad. Although we were only granted 19 years here together it feels like we’ve spent a million lifetimes together…I know you will always be with me but I want you to know that I will always be with you. You’re never alone Dad. You are the toughest man that I will EVER [sic] know.”

“You fought the hardest fight. Cancer may have taken your life but with the strength and dignity you showed, and the inspiration you left us with, you won the battle, Dad,” Ethan continued. He then let his fans know that his father, “did so much good for the world and deserves recognition.” We agree.

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You will forever be my best friend. I miss you so fuckin much already Dad. I know that even though you’re not physically here with me on earth, that you are with me in spirit. You are responsible for making me the person that I am so proud to be today. All of the lessons that you’ve taught me have stuck with me and I will use them moving onward for the rest of my life. You are and forever will be my favorite person that I will ever know. You went always above and beyond for me. You never missed a sporting event, school event, show on tour, anything that ever meant anything to me you were always there to support me. Even when you were too sick to get up, you figured out a way to comfort me and help me with anything I needed. You never left my corner. When I was sick in the hospital after I was just born you sat in the room with a hand on me talking to me until I got better. I will always remember that and that is one of the most special things anyone has ever done for me. You’ve changed the lives of so many people for the better. All of your students, teachers, friends, and family will never forget how great of a man you were, and how special you made them feel. You raised me into a man for the past 19 years, but I can honestly say that I’ve learned the most from you in the past 2 1/2. Two and a half years ago you were diagnosed with this bullshit and you never let it fade you. Not once did I hear you complain about your condition. You held your head as high as you physically could and fought on and on until you won that fucking battle. When the doctors said you only had a year to live after being diagnosed, you push and battled for 2 and 1/2 years! Last week when the doctor told us you had less than a week to live you stood your ground and stayed with us for a week and an extra day. That alone shows the type of man you were, a fighter. You never let cancer fade you Dad, it may have taken your body, but your heart, your mind, and your soul came out victorious. Congratulations Dad. You won. Look down and see your reward. The lives you’ve changed and people you’ve impacted so deeply. You’re the man. I love you Dad.

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Grayson shared the sad news on Instagram as well. He started his own post, “You will forever be my best friend. I miss you so f–kin’ much already Dad. I know that even though you’re not physically here with me on earth, that you are with me in spirit. You are responsible for making me the person that I am so proud to be today.”

“Even when you were too sick to get up, you figured out a way to comfort me and help me with anything I needed,” he added. “You never left my corner. When I was sick in the hospital after I was just born you sat in the room with a hand on me talking to me until I got better. I will always remember that and that is one of the most special things anyone has ever done for me.”

In a very sweet conclusion to his post, Grayson wrote, “Congratulations Dad. You won. Look down and see your reward. The lives you’ve changed and people you’ve impacted so deeply. You’re the man. I love you Dad.” Losing a parent is so rough, and our hearts definitely go out to the twins and their family as they grieve this extremely difficult loss.