If you want to make a quick dinner, it will probably be unhealthy or low-quality. And if you want to make a healthy, nutritious meal, you’ll probably need a lot of time. This paradox makes it tough to eat right with our increasingly busy schedules.

While meal kits are an easy way to decide what you’ll make each week, they don’t make it much easier to actually prepare the food yourself. Thankfully, Daily Harvest’s hearty, delicious, and nourishing foods come pre-prepared, so you don’t need to spend your precious time trying to feed yourself three times a day.

Daily Harvest
Daily Harvest

This is just one of the many ways Daily Harvest makes it easier to eat more healthily on a budget, and we think you’ll feel the same way after your first bite or sip.

So, what are you waiting for? Try Daily Harvest for yourself today, or keep reading to learn all about how this meal delivery service is changing the game.

What Is Daily Harvest?

Daily Harvest is a meal delivery service focused on bringing you sustainable, chef-crafted foods built around fruits and vegetables. And unlike many other meal delivery plans, your meals come frozen.

Trust us — frozen is fabulous. There are plenty of reasons why Daily Harvest has chosen to ship their meals and snacks on dry ice, a large one being that they can freeze their fruits and veggies at peak ripeness.

When you order from other delivery services, your meals are probably a day or two away from going bad by the time they actually arrive at your door — or your ingredients are completely under-ripe and essentially unusable. Because Daily Harvest locks in freshness and flavor at peak ripeness, it’s like your produce is stuck in time at its freshest and most delicious.

Plus, frozen meals mean that you can heat them up in just minutes for a delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner that requires no effort on your end. This makes it perfect for busy schedules and weeks when you’re constantly on the go.

The convenience is really what puts Daily Harvest above the rest, but their flavors are often more delicious and interesting than those same hassle-filled competing brands. In fact, their team of chefs is constantly innovating to bring new dishes every season and keep your tastebuds tantalized. Don’t believe us? Just look at their latest new arrivals for this fall, like their Brussel sprouts and sesame Harvest Bowl, kalamata and artichoke fonio, and dragonfruit and lime smoothie.

Why We Love Daily Harvest

There are plenty of reasons why Daily Harvest is one of our new favorite meal prep go-to’s — these are just a few.


By far the best part of Daily Harvest is how easy they make it for us to craft delicious, healthy meals. When we compare Daily Harvest to other meal delivery kits that only ship you ingredients with suggested recipes, it’s a night and day difference.

The whole point of meal prepping is to save time, but when you still need to cook everything yourself, you’re not saving any time. With Daily Harvest, the most difficult thing you need to do is heat up your meal.

Smoothies can go right in the blender with some milk, their vegetable-based Harvest Bowls can go right in the microwave, and everything you receive tastes as fresh and delicious as if you cooked it yourself. It’s sort of like they took the convenience of a frozen TV dinner and combined it with the artisanal quality of a restaurant. You get the best of both worlds.

Plus, all the meals are delivered right to your door and ready to go from the moment you receive your package, saving you precious time in your busiest days.

Daily Harvest
Daily Harvest

Environmental Advocacy

Another aspect that sets Daily Harvest apart from other brands is how they source all of their ingredients in the first place. They understand that it’s not just about what we eat, it’s how we eat that matters. And with that in mind, they are committed to sustainable food systems across the globe.

Most non-organic farming is more like non-organic harming, and it’s because often industrial agriculture relies on the same monocrops that typically aren’t good for the environment. Daily Harvest is invested in transitioning farmers from this landscape towards organic farming to increase biodiversity. The end result is healthier soil and more nutrient-dense foods.

They also recently partnered with American Farmland Trust and CCOF to help bring underrepresented farmers the support they need to grow their businesses and scale sustainable practices. These grants are part of a multi-year partnership to allow farmers to increase regenerative food-growth practices, which can be a long and expensive process.

This is all to say that we feel good after eating these nutritious meals, and we do good from the moment we buy them. 

Ingredient Transparency

If you’re worried about what you’re putting inside of your body, you’re definitely not alone. And especially if you’re trying to lead a healthy lifestyle while on the go, it can be tough to know exactly what you’re eating when you need to load up on fast foods and snacks you find around the house.

Daily Harvest puts their key ingredients on the front of the container, with the full list on the back, so you know exactly what you’re putting into your body from a glance. You can rest assured it’s generally a bunch of fruits, vegetables, and grains in every meal.

When you take a look at those ingredients, you’ll notice that you can recognize all of them. We love that every time we heat up a delicious Harvest Bowl or soup, we know exactly what we’re eating.

How Does It Work?

To start on your Daily Harvest journey, you’ll need to choose a small, medium, or large box. Each one of these can contain nine to 13, 14 to 23, or 24 to 26 items in them, respectively.

You can opt to receive regular shipments — as often as weekly or as infrequently as you like. It’s easy to manage your plan, and you can also change your orders however you like. For instance, if you don’t want lattes this time, swap them out for some soup. You’ll also get reminders before every order so you can skip, pause, or cancel shipments anytime.

Then once you get your food, pop them in your freezer until you’re ready to use. Each meal or snack has a different set of directions for how to prepare them, but each one has about two to three easy steps maximum for you to get ready for a delicious meal.

For instance, all you need to do for the smoothies is add some milk and blend, and all you need to do for the Harvest Bowls is add water or broth, set them in the microwave or the stovetop, stirring halfway. You’ve got the freedom to choose how to prepare each dish to your liking without any of the deductive reasoning needed to cook a meal on your own.

The Importance of Eating Right

If you’re anything like us, you might not put a lot of thought into what you’re eating. Especially when you need to balance a nine to five job with the gym, leisure, friends, and more, it’s almost impossible to even find time to eat.

The reality is that getting the right amount of nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables is an essential part of your life. It’s how you can continue to keep trucking along in this fast-paced world without burning out.

Daily Harvest
Daily Harvest

Daily Harvest is an effective, yummy, and simple way to amp up your nutrient intake without needing to change your busy schedule, and they offer everything including breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner so that you can fuel your body all day long! 

Choosing the Right Chews

Daily Harvest is a subscription-based meal-delivery service that sets itself apart by delivering frozen, prepared meals right to your front door. Most dishes are based around fruits or vegetables, allowing you to feel good after every single bite.

We love how easy and convenient these are, but we also love what they’re doing for the planet. By contributing to sustainable farming practices, they are helping to make a better food system for all. And combined with ingredient transparency, it’s hard not to love what’s inside. And if you can’t take our word for it, take it from someone else.

If you’re ready to love food again, your first box is ready for you. Craft your first shipment and get it delivered straight to your door today.