We knew it had been too long without a little Palin drama! Just days before Bristol Palin is to marry fiance Dakota Meyer, a new report claims he has a “secret ex-wife”!

Radar Online broke the story with a copy of a marriage license showing that 26-year-old soldier Dakota wed a woman named Cassandra Wain back in 2008 when he was just 19. They are said to have divorced in 2010, though it remains unclear if they actually did.

Bristol, who is mom to son Tripp from her previous relationship with Levi Johnston, met Dakota last year.

In 2009, Dakota received the Medal of Honor from President Obama after running into a fire zone during an ambush in Afghanistan in 2009, saving 36 troops and killing eight Taliban militants – all after being SHOT in the arms!

But Dakota’s once sterling reputation is now taking a serious beating after the revelation, and not just from commentators on the Internet – but also from the friends of his ex-wife, one of which alleges he’s been “hiding” his previous nuptials.


Cassandra Wain

The friend apparently wrote on Dakota’s Facebook page, saying, “We never discredit you as a Marine, you were a great soldier. We took you in after you came back from the hospital in Ohio and wanted to be there for you,” she wrote in a Facebook comment on Meyer’s profile.

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She added: “What I’m not understanding is why this marriage to my best friend is something you are trying to hide.

“You guys were young and infatuated with one another. You got married, then realized it was a mistake. No scandal, no abuse, no nothing. It was short lived and we thought you all remained civil.


“To read the bulls*** of people putting their two cents into this issue they know nothing about is hard to read.

“Cassie is a small town girl who is beautiful and intelligent and just wants the past in the past. Now she’s suffering from other people’s opinions of her based off your lies Dakota.

“She doesn’t want the spotlight like you do….she wants to move on and you aren’t letting her. The last time you contacted her was in October of 2014…..leave her alone and let it go.

“We wish you all the best with your future Dakota. Just be honest.”

Yikes! Well by all accounts – and we mean literally, their Instagram accounts – everything still seems well with the couple, who got engaged back in March. But neither have publicly commented on the news.