New shocking details have emerged from the Making a Murderer trial as In Touch‘s investigation reveals that the jurors tell three different and contradicting stories about what happened after day one of deliberations.

Richard Mahler, who has become the most controversial juror on the 2007 Teresa Halbach murder trial and was excused after one day of deliberations, revealed that after the first day, the jurors voted and seven believed Steven Avery was not guilty.

RELATED: ‘Making a Murderer’ Bombshell: New Evidence From Jurors Could Free Steven Avery

steven avery

Another juror argued no such vote took place.

And one juror told a third story, saying there was an informal vote with three saying Steven was not guilty.

“I suspect there might have been some undue pressure put — either from within the jury room or outside the jury room — that might’ve affected the fairness of each individual juror’s deliberation,” says Steven’s attorney Jerry Buting.

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steven avery

Mahler was allegedly intimidated by fellow juror Carl Wardman. “He made me feel uncomfortable and interfered with my duty in an indirect way,” Mahler explains, hinting that Wardman’s disposition may have also gotten to other members of the jury.

“Something didn’t seem right that he wasn’t taking notes in court, that he wasn’t participating,” Richard says. “I figured something was fishy. In my opinion, his mind was already made up.”

When In Touch approached the 70-year-old at his home on Jan. 7, he exploded. “It’s all b——-,” Wardman snarled, “He’s guilty, that’s it.”

For more on this story, pick up the latest issue of In Touch, on newsstands now!