Billion-dollar builder and philanthropist Brook Taube has successfully achieved most of the goals young entrepreneurs dream of accomplishing. An ardent advocate for mental health, the arts, and responsible technological innovation, Taube is not your average Wall Street financier. Instead of putting himself first, he is now on a mission to use his influence, wealth, and experience to kickstart global change.

Despite his success, Brook Taube has managed to keep a low profile over the past decades. Most of his appearances in the media were limited to topics like the acquisitions of rare instrument collections or the success of the financial businesses he directed. The past year, however, has seen Taube become vocal in topics like cryptocurrency regulation, AI development, entrepreneur mentorship, effective leadership, and more.

“After taking some time for myself, I discovered that anonymous philanthropy was not enough to have the impact I wanted to have in the world,” explains Taube, referring to his work through investment firm Sandy Point. “Whether you are a celebrity, community leader, CEO, or politician, those with a platform have a responsibility to use it for the betterment of society.”

Taking action is something that Taube has always advocated for, whether advising about how to start a business or the latest tech industry layoffs. This focus on action is likely the result not only of his investing and entrepreneurial background but also of his hobbies. Taube has played the viola and violin for more than 45 years, races his bicycle on the Dave Jordan Elite Road Team, surfs and skis regularly, and reads voraciously.

“I try to live a balanced life,” says Taube. “Not only do these hobbies keep me grounded but they have also provided some of the most important ‘insight’ moments in my life.”

Borok Taube

The flexibility and discipline that Taube has developed through his hobbies and many endeavors have helped guide his many business ventures through difficult times. While he often attributes success to those he works with, the business and human acumen Taube possesses can’t be denied.

“Success comes from having a great team and empowering those around you. This is true whether you are starting a business, performing on stage, or battling on a field or tarmac,” explains Taube.

“Greek conductor Dimitri Mitropoulos famously said that success corrupts while usefulness exalts,” concludes Taube. “To me, the idea of success is a medium instead of the goal. I try my best to be useful to others.”

 Written in partnership with Grit Daily.

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