The following article is presented by Adogy. In Touch is not endorsing the products featured below. 

The pursuit of ageless skin won’t be going away in 2023. But shifts in the beauty industry’s take on anti-aging do signal a move toward simplicity. Whether lines, wrinkles, discoloration, or a combination thereof are your complexion’s nemesis, these treatments will make quick work of your frustrations.

1. Vitamin-Fueled Standbys

The early days of 2023 may see you inundated with messages demanding your attention for the next big anti-aging craze. But sometimes it’s the classics that get the job done.

Vitamin A has long been regarded as a skincare superhero for its ability to clear acne. But a lesser-known strength of the topical cream often referred to as Retin-A is its anti-aging properties.

Prescribed in a range of concentrations, this retinoid helps increase cell turnover, reduce discoloration, and boost hydration. This list of benefits is rare to find in a single product, meaning that retinol can be a powerful addition to your skincare regimen.

2. Trimmed-Down Cleansing Routines

The Korean beauty practices that took the industry by storm just a few years ago are finally losing steam. While the trend certainly brought forward skincare practices that are worth keeping, a simpler approach is welcome.

Simplified cleansing routines focused on natural, fragrance-free, and dye-free products leave fewer chemicals on your face. Micellar water makes quick work of breaking down stubborn cosmetics while being gentle to sensitive areas like the eyes.

The fewer touchpoints you have with your skin, the less dirt, oil, and bacteria you introduce. Plus, with less rubbing, you’ll give the delicate areas around your eyes much-needed respite. Set aside bacteria-laden cleansing tools, instead using a dish washable silicone scrubber or clean fingertips to do the work.

3. Colorful Botanicals

Now that you’ve shortened your cleansers’ list of ingredients, it’s time to add some back in. But this time, it’s botanicals whose pigments take center stage.

Blue tansy, a Mediterranean herb known to calm irritated skin, is adding a jewel-toned surprise to anti-aging regimens everywhere. Commonly integrated into restorative and hydrating oils, this treatment helps clear pores by reducing acne-causing bacteria.

For those experiencing the signs of aging while navigating breakouts, blue tansy provides complexion benefits for both. And thanks to its gentle makeup, its integration into your routine won’t sacrifice the benefits of one for the other.

4. Hydration-Focused Practices

Well-nourished skin is not only healthy, but it provides the most youthful, glowing appearance. By plumping skin cells with much-needed moisture, lines and wrinkles even out without even a thought of a cosmetic filler.

Invigorate your moisture routine by layering products and practices that help you reach your skincare goals. The aforementioned retinoids and botanicals pull double duty, but they aren’t your only option. Simple practices like slugging can help lock in moisture at night, helping your other products act more powerfully during the day.

“Slugging?” you might ask, “As in, actual slugs?” If the thought of buddying up with slime-trailing creatures for the sake of skincare leaves you shuddering, don’t despair. The affordable, accessible, and non-invasive skincare strategy calls only for Vaseline and commitment. Slather the beauty standby onto clean and treated skin right before bed. A generous layer helps lock in your moisturizer and block out bacteria, which promotes healing while you nourish your skin.

5. Mind-Body Connection

If you are what you eat, then it’s fair to say that you look how you feel. Many studies have outlined the impact of lifelong stress on one’s appearance, but less has been said about how to reverse the ill effects. Fortunately, modern mindfulness practices have been signaling a shift toward a mind-body connection for both beauty and health.

Psychodermatology, focusing on the mental connection to physical appearance, links the mind’s belief and narrative to one’s outward interpretation. By using positive self-talk designed to manifest one’s words and internal dialogue into reality, the power of the mind shines. And when paired with mental health treatment and therapy, a clear mind can also yield anti-aging benefits.

In the new year, assess where your mental health is, reviewing the totality of your experience. Then pay attention to your internal dialogue and how you speak to yourself about your appearance. If your reflection incites a sneer or a slight, it’s a good sign that some self-love and positive affirmations are in order. Speak to yourself with love and as if you’ve already achieved your skincare goals. With a healthy mind and narrative that aligns with your topical treatments, your skin will reflect how great you feel.

Layer Treatments and Philosophies for the Best Results

Choosing just about anything is hard, especially when the target of your pursuit — your complexion — is front and center daily. Don’t wait around trying to choose between skincare treatments to try. Each of the approaches and products mentioned here can easily team up to deliver top-tier results for your skin.

Test each product before committing it to your entire face, just in case of a reaction. For prescriptions, talk with your provider about what concentration would work best for you and your goals. Then sit down and develop an intentional routine that puts you in the right mindset for restorative anti-aging. Slow down and enjoy taking care of your skin, and soon your reflection will show a more refreshed, glowing you.

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