“Over the past 40 years, obesity among the population has increased 3 times! By 2025, researchers predict a fivefold increase in these deplorable figures,” said Tatiana Zabalueva. Tatiana is a qualified expert in the field of nutrition, the founder of her own Academy – the National Academy of Nutrition (NAN) and the author of a unique weight loss program! In her youth, Tatiana herself suffered from overweight and skin problems. Unfortunately, the doctors could not give the necessary answers to her questions at the time. So Tatiana, through trial and error, created the author’s weight correction and wellness technology, which has already helped more than 35,000 people!

Nutritionology is the science of nutrition, which not only disciplines in terms of meals, but also helps to eliminate the underlying physical problems of the body. It is nutritionology that solves the problems of obesity and anorexia, helping to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancers and neoplasms. According to statistics, about 58% of people die from heart attacks and strokes. Nutrition leads to this in many ways. For example, cholesterol, which destroys blood vessels, accumulates in the body with improper nutrition. Narrowly focused nutritionists are called upon to solve this problem.

Tatiana has been working in the field of nutrition for more than 6 years. Having accumulated impressive experience, knowledge and honed the necessary skills, Tatiana founded the National Academy of Nutrition (NAN). Currently, in addition to regular activities to personally guide her clients to a dream figure and good health, she is a leading lecturer at the European Academy at the Department of Nutrition. Tatiana personally developed training programs at the Academy based on her personal experience of getting rid of excess weight and atopic dermatitis, which tormented Tatiana for a long time. Doctors were unable to solve Tatiana’s problem, all the diets and physical activities prescribed by them did not lead to results. Or they had a short-term effect, which had to be maintained by grueling diets. Tatiana was not satisfied with this situation, so she decided to figure out her diseases on her own. Thanks to her strong will and perseverance, Tatiana was able to get rid of skin problems in just 4 months, as well as lose more than 25 kg!

A unique weight correction and wellness program, as well as a program to keep weight in the required values, has proven its effectiveness by solving the problems of many people. At the conference “Innovations of the third Millennium” in Germany, Tatiana presented a scientific article revealing the essence of weight loss technology. After that, the technology was recognized as the “Innovation of the third millennium” in Europe!  Tatiana holds the copyright for this technology in more than 167 countries around the world. Thanks to such outstanding achievements, Tatiana was recognized as an extraordinary person in the United States. Currently, the nutritionist is actively promoting his technology in America.  It is this technology that runs through all the training at the Academy. The main advantages of teaching nutritionology at the National Academy of Nutrition (NAN) by Tatiana Zabalueva are:

1) A diploma of the European state standard, quoted in all countries of the world. Each training course is accompanied by a diploma with all the necessary details.

2) The predominance of practical classes, masterminds and seminars. The teachers of the Academy not only give a dry theory, but also tell and show how to apply this knowledge in practice. From the very first days of training, students work with laboratory diagnostics, which allows them to understand the internal physiological processes of a particular organism.

Tatiana shared that she often encountered situations when nutritionists only prescribed dietary supplements and various additives, bypassing the decoding of analyzes and building a strategy for the implementation of treatment. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong! Since supplements alone will not be able to fix the problem of excess weight, deficiency or surplus of certain substances, it is necessary to change the food culture and lifestyle. The nutritionist noted that dietary supplements and supplements can and should be added in the process of establishing nutrition, however, in order to enhance the effect. In this case, it is advisable to connect dietary supplements.

3) At the National Academy of Nutrition (NAN), from the very first week, students practice on real wards under the strict supervision of teachers. An important feature is that the student’s diploma is a project based on the case of a real person!

4) Training involves round-the-clock communication with curators, via chat, as well as weekly zoom meetings, which contribute to the development of the right competencies for young professionals.

Tatiana has always seen it as her task to produce not theorists, but practitioners who understand how the human body works. In the course of training, future nutritionists study how the internal processes of the body proceed, as well as how certain substances affect the overall metabolic picture.

The importance of this profession for Tatiana, first of all, is to reduce the impact of malnutrition on the population by informing about the main principles of meals. According to WHO forecasts, such terrible diseases as diabetes mellitus, cancer, and obesity have increased almost 10 times on average over these 5 years. And the only science that can stop the progression of diseases is nutritionology. Tatiana assures that it is this science that introduces the population to the principles of proper nutrition, which should first of all be taken into account by people when switching to a healthy lifestyle. The basis of the above diseases is nutrition. “Nutritionology is one of the most important professions in the world, which must develop and flourish, because it is she who can overcome the terrible statistics predicted by WHO,” Tatiana notes.


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