Article presented by Otter PR.

For a decade, vaginal problems plagued Natasha Semago. “My vagina smelled up an entire room,” Semago openly recalls, “I thought that there’s no way this is normal or fair. I didn’t want to have sex or date.”

Semago faced struggles that many women face and are hesitant to talk about, even sometimes with their doctors. She tried endless prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and doctor visits, trying to find the source of her vaginal issues and an eventual cure.

It was a doctor suggesting a more natural-remedy approach to her issues that was finally the key to vaginal wellness for Semago. She noticed near-instant results and knew that she had to share her discovery with others. Knowing full well that women talking openly about their vaginas was taboo, especially when they’re delving into topics of smell or discharge, Semago set out to not only spread the word about her solution but create a safe space for women.

“I felt like I could live again and wanted to help other women achieve the same results,” she explained.

The result was VeeFresh, a self-described “Fem Care Revolution” that offers natural feminine products that work and is tackling the stigma of chronic vaginal conditions.

From Pipe Dream to Reality

Semago was working as a court reporter and was a new mother. She didn’t know how she would make her idea into a real business, but she was determined to try. She had no experience in product development or sales, but she knew she had landed on something revolutionary.

With the idea bouncing around in her head, Semago set out to make her pipe dream a reality.

She spent years mired in trial and error, attempting to land on the exact mix of ingredients and products that would give her customers the results she had experienced.

The product line that eventually became VeeFresh includes VeeCleanse products that tackle strong vaginal odor, Boric Acid suppositories, and D-Mannose and hibiscus flower supplements.

“We formulate our products at VeeFresh as a team effort,” explains Semago, “I work directly with product manufacturers. Our team vigorously tests product samples, then send back edits to our manufacturer, going back and forth a few rounds, and ultimately decide on the finalized product.”

VeeBabes Unite

What sets VeeFresh apart from other health and wellness companies is not only their focus on a topic that has traditionally remained hush-hush, but the community that has been built around the brand. The Veebabes group has taken a topic typically relegated to closed-door discussions and put it all out there, openly sharing the frustration, the feelings of depression, and the sense that one is all alone.

Semago knows well the feeling of being ignored and the feelings of shame that can creep up when you’re walking around with unresolved vaginal issues. Her mission with VeeFresh was to ensure other women didn’t have to experience those feelings.

“The most common and frustrating challenges our customers face is all the back and forth with their OB/GYNs, the crazy amount of misinformation online, and the emotional toll having feminine care issues can take,” said Semago.

The Veebabes Facebook group also offers positive and judgment-free advice, as well as exclusive access to OB/GYNs, sex therapists, and feminine care resources. For Semago, the combination of tried and tested natural products — and the input from thousands of women who know what it’s like to have issues “down there” — has led to the “Fem Care Revolution” she touts on the VeeFresh page. To date, thousands have found relief in the VeeFresh products and a supportive community in the Veebabes group.

Making It Work

Semago has always been a working mother but tackles the challenge of also being a business owner with pride. Following a challenging childhood that included abuse, drug use, and her mother’s death early on, she has used these past tragedies as motivation, nudging her towards a brighter future for herself and her family. With the success of VeeFresh, she hopes to give back to the community, help at-risk youth, and donate to women’s organizations.

“The hardest part of being a momtrepreneur is balancing quality time with family and children when an online business never stops,” says Semago. Nevertheless, she sees the benefit in being a beacon of inspiration for her children by bringing a needed product and service to thousands of women.

“The biggest reward of starting VeeFresh has been the lives we’ve changed,” she explains, “I know personally the struggle and emotional weight these problems can bring, so seeing thousands of women have their struggles alleviated feels amazing.”



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