Okay, we think we just found the next Baby Gap kid…

Kristin Cavallari’s sweet baby boy Camden could very well be a model in the making. The reality star tweeted a new photo of her 5-month-old that’s melting baby hearts— and grown-up hearts— all over the world.

PHOTO: Camden Sports a Mustache

In the pic, Camden, who wears an adorable grey cable-knit sweater and khakis, gazes off into the distance with one arm propped casually behind his head.

"Baby modeling," the former Hills star and jewelry designer captioned the photo. We’ll say it… It’s unfair for any child to be this cute.

PHOTO: Camden Meets Santa Claus

But this isn't Cam's first time hamming it up for the camera. Kristin’s shared several snapshots of her little man that In Touch viewers have gone gaga for— one of him in a mustache, Cam meeting Santa and her babe in football gear, to name a few.

"I really want to enjoy these moments," Kristin shares. "[Motherhood] is the best thing in the world. It's so much fun!"

PHOTO: Camden Shows off Team Pride for Dad

And what’s even more fun is that we get to share Camden’s sweet moments along with her!