After Jana Duggar joined Instagram, it didn’t take her long to hop on those paid influencer opportunities. It also didn’t take long for fans to get sick of it — and for one of them to speak up. On Wednesday, January 8, however, the Counting On star clapped back at insinuations that ads are all she posts. Responding to a comment calling her out, she insisted that sometimes she’s just giving fans a genuine recommendation.

Sharing a gel nail tutorial, Jana, 30, captioned her Instagram post, “Just posted a new video on my YouTube channel! 💅🏼 Simple steps and how I do my own gel nails at home! The link is in my bio.” In the responses to her video, one fan wrote, “Jana, love your posts and craftiness video, but not the paid commercials on gel nails …” Taking the opportunity to defend herself, the Duggar daughter shot back, “It’s not a paid commercial or ad. It’s something I bought myself and have really enjoyed using! Just wanted to share something I found helpful with you all!”

Jana Duggar Claps Back at Instagram Ad Accusation and Criticism
Courtesy of Jana Duggar/Instagram

Not everyone was swayed by her explanation, though. The original commenter was glad the TLC star cleared up the confusion, but they warned her to still be cautious about posting promotions going forward. “Well, that is different then,” they continued, “but many reality stars are ruining their pages by all the paid ads.” And they weren’t the only one to speak up. “Papa really must withhold TLC income for the kids if y’all have to sponsor [yourselves out]!” a different commenter wrote, seemingly referencing one of Derick Dillard‘s allegations.

In December 2019, Jana’s brother-in-law took to Instagram to answer fans’ questions about Jill Dillard (née Duggar) and his relationship with the show and her family. One of his revelations was the fact that they were never paid to appear on the show — and, at the time, they didn’t think that any of the family was. “For a long time, Jill and I were under the impression that the family didn’t make any money from the show, but, rather, it was presented to us kids as something that was done as a ministry that TLC periodically subsidized in the form [of] reimbursements for things like gas, restaurants, travel, etc.,” he wrote. “But not any actual pay on top of that.”